
Should QCARC continue giving VE Exams before club meetings in even months?

  • Yes, but occasionally on other days and times (67%, 2 Votes)
  • Yes (33%, 1 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, with more months (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, but fewer months (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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Antenna Ideas..

Hi All,

Here’s the project I’m looking to undertake and I’m wondering if anyone has any particular suggestions about what might work best in this area? I’m looking to put up an antenna(s) for 160-20 meter use. I already have a 10 meter dipole, which also seems to work ok on 6 meters, but am willing to ditch that if someone has an idea that will go 160-6. I really don’t have a lot of room for a ground radial system; 30 feet in any direction is probably about the max. My QTH is at the top of a hill so it is a good location. Budget is also a consideration. What I’d really like and what I can afford are in separate zip codes. I’m sure this is fairly common!

My transceiver is a Yaesu FT-847 with 100 watts of output and I’ve got the companion FC-20 tuner. I currently don’t have any additional amplifiers. I’d like to see how far the 100 watts can take things by getting clever with antennas rather than just running up my electric bill with an amp  ;–]

I’ve got some ideas of my own, but want don’t want to predispose anyone to making certain suggestions. Any and all input is greatly appreciated!


Andy – KB3AWS  (formerly KB3ZVG)

5/1/2013 – Thank you to all who have given feedback so far. At this point I’m leaning towards a G5RV. Getting it high in the sky is going to be fun ;–]

5/22/13 – An update… I did go with the G5RV and using a one pound weight and some light rope was able to get it about 30 feet in the air. Worked a station from CT (K2GAV) on 40 Meters about 5 minutes after hooking everything up and turning the rig on. Still have some work to do to make the install more ‘permanent’, but I wanted to thank those who took the time to send me their feedback and ideas. This is still a ‘work in progress’ so if anyone has G5RV’s and wants to share any quirks, etc I’m sure everyone would be interested in hearing; I know I am!
