Minutes, October 2013


Annual Meeting

October 18, 2013

The 2013 Annual meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:30pm, Friday, October 18, 2013 by President W3TM in the Hiller Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. Following the salute to the Flag, the members observed a moment of silence in remembrance of silent keys. A round of introductions followed

Attendance: 9 members and one guest were in attendance: W3BC, WA3UFN, KB3LES, W3TM, AA3AZ, W3BEV, AB3OG, KB3WBT, KB3VWX, and guest KB3MKY.

Presentation of Annual Reports

The Secretary conducted a roll call of the Executive Board. All 2012 Officers and Executive Board Members were present except for Treasurer Doug Rowles W3DWR, who was excused upon Doctor’s Orders.

Secretary W3BC and Activity Coordinator KB3WBT presented the 2013 Annual Activity Report. A total of 12 meetings, 14 social events, 10 Educational activities, 4 operating events, 5 Public Service activities and one Repeater activity were enumerated, listing 22 individual members and 13 guests.

Treasurer W3DWR presented the Annual Financial Report by telephone. During the 2013 fiscal year, the Club income was $1,085.75 (not including the FY 2012 balance brought forward of $65.93). Expenses were $1,239.56, leaving a balance of $219.74, including $30.00 petty cash.

On a motion by AB3OG, seconded by KB3LES the 2013 Annual Financial Report was approved as read, and entered into the official Annual Report

Treasurer and Membership Coordinator W3DWR reported that the club membership stands at 43 members.

The 2013 Officers and Executive Board members were recognized for their dedication and service to the Club with an acclamation by the members present.


The Minutes of the regular September meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a motion by AB3OG, seconded by KB3LES the September minutes were approved as read.

Committee Reports

Activity Coordinator K3WBT re and W3BC reported on recent and upcoming activities. The Club’s effort in the Pennsylvania QSO Party resulted in 698 phone contacts and 185 CW contacts, working 72 ARRL sections, 46 states and all 67 Pennsylvania counties for a total score of 146,472 points. Upcoming events include the Boy Scouts Jamboree On The Air in October and the CQ World-Wide DX Contest, hosted at Hummingbird Speedway.

Education & Training Coordinator W3BC reported fall classes are taking place for upgrades in Clearfield and new licensees in Reynoldsville. VE Sessions are scheduled for Saturday, November 23 and Tuesday, December 5th in DuBois and Clearfield, respectively.

Nets – Net Manager W3DWR reports that the Sunday night Quad-County FM net NCS will be WD3D for the month of October.

Public Service – Scouting Liaison AB3OG reports that the Jamboree on the Air will be held at Hummingbird Speedway on Saturday, October 19th and Sunday, October 20th. Scouts from local groups have been invited.

RepeatersWA3UFN announced that antenna problems on the DuBois Repeater have been successfully repaired. The duplexer for the 6 meter repeater has been returned to us and is undergoing touch-up work, and will be ready soon to return to the air from the Schofield Road site

Old Business

There was no old or unfinished business before the club.

New Business

Moved by KB3WBT seconded by KB3VWX, to move forward with the Christmas Party scheduled for Saturday, December 7th at 6:30 pm at the Arrowhead Restaurant in Clearfield. The menu includes the Prime Rib Buffet for $16.00 per person + tax and gratuity. Motion CARRIED.

Moved by AA3AZ and seconded by KB3VWX to send $30.00 to the Nittany Amateur Radio Club to purchase a plaque commemorating the Club’s Clean Sweep accomplishment in the recent Pennsylvania QSO Party. Motion CARRIED.

Good of the Order

A motion was made by W3BC and seconded by WA3UFN that the Executive Board evaluate the Club’s finances and budgets, and report to the membership with recommendations regarding changes to the annual dues rate. Motion CARRIED.

Election of Officers:

There being no further business before the club, Secretary W3BC took the floor to continue nominations for club officers and conduct the election. Additional nominations for Executive Board members were recorded as follows: W3TM by W3BC, and AA3AZ by KB3WBT.

On a motion by KB3LES, seconded by AA3AZ, in accordance with the Constitution, the nominations were closed, and candidates were invited to make statements regarding their qualifications for office. Following this, ballots were distributed and voting commenced. After the ballots were cast and counted, the results of the election were announced as follows:

President: AB3OG (Jefferson County)

Vice President: KB3WBT (Clearfield County)

Secretary: W3BC (Jefferson County)

Treasurer: W3DWR (Clearfield County)

Executive Board:

W3TM (Jefferson County)

KB3LES (Jefferson County)

W3BEV (Clearfield County)

KA3YCB (Clearfield County)

AA3AZ (Clearfield County)

The newly elected Officers and Executive Board members in attendance stood for installation ceremonies including an oath of office administered by Secretary W3BC. The members present congratulated the 2014 Officers by acclamation.

Secretary W3BC turned the meeting over to new President AB3OG.

On a motion by W3TM, seconded by KB3WBT, the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 pm. Refreshments were provided by W3BEV.


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