Minutes, November 2013


Regular Meeting

November 15, 2013

The regular November meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:30pm, Friday, November 15, 2013 by President AB3OG in the Hller Building on the Penn State Du Bois Campus. Following the salute to the Flag, the members observed a moment of silence in remembrance of silent keys. A round of introductions followed

Attendance: 12 members and two guests were in attendance: W3BC, AB3OG, W3DWR, KA3FHV, KA3YCB, WA3UFN, KB3FPN, KB3LES, W3BEV, N3HAO, KC3AOV, AA3AZ, and guests KA3MKY and Jo Ann Jewell.


The Minutes of the October Annual Meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a motion by KA3FHV, seconded by KB3LES, the Annual Meeting minutes were approved as read.


Treasurer W3DWR presented the full balance sheet for the 2013 Fiscal year. After paying the electric bill, which has been showing a notable increase beginning in July, the balance brought forward to the 2014 Fiscal year is 191.77, including $30 on hand for making change at meetings. Moved by W3BC and seconded by KA3YCB to accept the report and to direct the President to form a committee to investigate electric use at the Schofield Road site, and report their findings to the Executive Board. Motion carried and Report accepted as read.

Committee Reports

Activity Coordinator KB3WBT and event participants reported on recent activities, including the Jamboree On The Air, the CQ World Wide DX Contest, the Pennsylvania QSO Party and the November Sweepstakes activities.

Education & Training Coordinator W3BC reported that fall classes are completed for upgrades in Clearfield and new licnesees in Reynoldsville. VE sessions will take place in DuBois on November 23, and December 5th in Clearfield.

Nets – Net Manager W3DWR is accepting volunteers for Net Control for the Sunday Evening Quad-County FM net. By acclamation, the group expressed appreciation to W3DWR for his many years of service to the Club as Net Manager.

Programs – W3BC asked for a volunteer to assist in setting up programs.

Public Service – Coordinator KA3YCB informed the group that no new activities are planned to take place during the next month.

RepeatersW3BC reported that N3HAO has transferred the 6 Meter repeater equipment to the club, and that the Duplexer is once again in our posession. KB3FPN donated a brand new DB 201 low band VHF antenna to the club for use with the 6 meter repeater.

Old Business

There was no old or unfinished business.

New Business

There was no new business

Good of the Order

There were no additional business items or announcements.


There being no further business before the club, on a motion by KA3YCB and seconded by KB3LES, the meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm. Refreshments were served by W3BEV and the members present enjoyed a social hour after the meeting.


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