Regular Meeting
May 17, 2013
The regular May meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:33pm, Friday, May 17, 2013 by Vice President AB3OG (by the request of President W3TM who was at the Dayton Hamvention) in the Hiller Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. Following the salute to the Flag, the members observed a moment of silence in remembrance of silent keys. A round of introductions followed
Attendance: 9 members and two guests were in attendance: W3BC, KB3LES, W3BEV, KA3FHV, W3DWR, KB3WKD, KB3WBT, KB3VWX, AB3OG, with guests N3FYD and Jo Ann Jewell.
The Minutes of the Regular April meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a motion by KA3FHV, seconded by KB3WBT the February minutes were approved as read.
The Secretary reported the receipt of two free tickets to the Breezeshooters Hamfest to be held in Butler, June second. Also, an invitation was received from the American Red Cross PA Heartland Chapter to participate once again in their annual Carnival in the DuBois City Park. Finally, the officially signed and sealed Final Coordination Document update for the N3QC Quad-County Repeater on 147.315 MHz was received from the Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council.
W3DWR reported the Club treasury balance stands at $736.93. On a motion by KB3VWX, second by KB3WBT, the Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
Treasurer W3DWR reported that membership stands at 43, with 23 ARRL members reported.
Committee Reports
Activity Coordinator KB3WBT reported that upcoming events include Field Day, the Car Show in August, and the Boy Scouts Jamboree On The Air in October.
Education & Training Coordinator W3BC reported on the recent VE Exams which resulted in 2 new licensees and two upgrades. 6 VEs were present, an all-time high.
Nets – W3DWR reported that net check-ins are continuing at above-average levels.
Programs – Next month will be Field Day preparations and final planning.
Public Service – W3BC reported on the Club’s part in the Red Cross drill that took place on Saturday, April 27. W3BC set up a station at the St. Marys office, and W3TM set up at the DuBois Area Middle School. WA3UFN served as liaison to the WPA Digital Traffic Net for the duration of the exercise.
Repeater – WA3UFN sent a report that the N3QC DuBois UHF repeater is on the air for testing on 443.85 MHz with a +5 MHz offset and CTCSS tone of 173.8. Coordination is still pending with the WPRC.
Old Business
There was no old or unfinished business.
New Business
Moved by W3DWR and seconded by KB3WBT to donate $50 to a fund to help the Super 322 Drive-In upgrade to a digital projection system. In the discussion which followed, it was pointed out that the Theater management has been very supportive of our club, and that unless they install a digital projector, they will no longer be able to stay in business, as new movie prints on film will no longer be distributed after the end of 2013. Motion carried.
Good of the Order
W3DWR displayed two 6-meter FM radios he will give to anyone interested. No takers.
With no further business to be brought before the Club, on a motion by KB3LES, second by KB3WBT, the meeting was adjourned at 8:11 pm.
A free drawing was held for the two Breezeshooters Hamfest tickets. The Recently Licensed Ham winner was Peach AB3OG, and the Elmer winner was Greg N3FYD.
KB3WBT had an HF station set up outside and gave a hands-on tutorial in HF operation to those interested.
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