Regular Meeting
March 15, 2013
Corrected at April Meeting
The regular March meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:31 pm, Friday, March 15, 2013 by President W3TM in the Hiller Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. Following the salute to the Flag, the members observed a moment of silence for silent keys. A round of introductions followed
Attendance:12 13 members and four three guests were in attendance: W3BC, KB3ZKJ, KB3ZVG, KB3LES, KA3FHV, W3DWR, W3TM, KA3YCB, KB3VWX, KB3WBT, W3BEV, AB3OG, KB3FPN, and guests KB3KTD, KB3KTE, KB3FPN, KA3DEL,.
The Minutes of the Regular February meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a, motion by KB3LES, second by KB3VWX, the February minutes were approved as read.
The Secretary reported that no correspondence was received or sent.
W3DWR reported the Club treasury balance stands at $732.09 On a motion by W3BC, second by KA3YCB, the Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
Treasurer W3DWR reported that membership renewals stand at 37, with 21 ARRL members reported.
Committee Reports
KB3WBT reminded everyone that the Spring Banquet will be on Saturday, April 27 at 5:30 in the Banquet Room of the DuBois Diner.
Education & Training Coordinator W3BC reported that spring licensing classes are in progress
Upgrade classes began on Friday February 8th in Reynoldsville , with Morse Code training offered from 6 to 6:30 for those interested.
A Technician Class began on Thursday eveningsat the Lock Haven University Clearfield Campus.
A combined VE session will be scheduled to coincide with completion of both classes.
FEMA/NIMS training for interested hams is being held before the regular meetings. Tonight’s traffic handling session went very well
Membership – W3DWR reminded everyone regarding renewals.
Nets – W3DWR and W3BC reported that the Hamshack Net is being held at 7 pm every Wednesday on the WAN Repeater System.
Programs – KB3WBT offered to present a program on rebuilding radios.
Public Service – Coordinator KA3YCB reported on upcoming SKYWARN training sessions.
WA3UFN sent a report that the N3QC DuBois UHF repeater is ron the air for testing on 443.85 MHz with a +5 MHz offset and CTCSS tone of 173.8. Coordination is pending and expected to be granted at the April 21 WPRC meeting.
Old Business
On a motion by KB3WBT, seconded by KA3YCB, the hamfest committee will be instructed to prepare an operational plan for a hamfest to be held next spring. Motion Carried.
New Business
Moved by W3BC and seconded by W3DWR to plan a 27-hour Field Day operation. This would entail delaying all set-up activity until 2:00 Saturday, and tear-down would begn at 5:00 pm Sunday. Motion Carried.
Moved by W3BC and seconded by KA3YCB to invite the Punxsutawney Area Amateur Radio Club to participate again in a joint Field Day operation. Motion Carried.
Moved by W3BC and seconded by KB3WBT that the club shall purchase food, soft drinks, condiments and utensils for the Field day operation. Motion Carried.
Good of the Order
With no further business to be brought before the Club, on a motion by AB3OG, second by KB3WBT, the meeting was adjourned at 8:28pm.
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