Minutes, June 2013


Regular Meeting

June 21, 2013

The regular June meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:30pm, Friday, June 21, 2013 by President W3TM in the Hiller Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. Following the salute to the Flag, the members observed a moment of silence in remembrance of silent keys. A round of introductions followed

Attendance: 16 members were in attendance: W3BC, W3DWR, KA3FHV, KC3AOV, KB3WKD, W3BEV, AB3OG, KB3FPN, KB3ZTN, KB3KTE, KB3KTD, N3WWT, KB3LES, KB3AWS, W3TM and KB3WBT.


The Minutes of the Regular May meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a motion by KB3FPN, seconded by KA3FHV the February minutes were approved as read.

Correspondence received included thank-you letters from the American Red Cross PA Heartland Chapter for participating in their activities. Secretary W3BC was instructed to send thank-you letters to the Lock Haven University Clearfield Campus and the Reynoldsville Ambulance Association for the use of their facilities for license classes.

The secretary reported that the biennial renewal of ARRL Special Service Club status has been submitted.

On a motion by KB3LES, seconded by KA3FHV, the Secretary’s report was accepted.


W3DWR reported that following routine bill payments of $395.67 (including insurance and utilities) the Club treasury balance stands at $341.26. On a motion by W3BC, second by KA3FHV, the Treasurer’s report was approved as read.

Treasurer W3DWR reported that membership stands at 43, with 23 ARRL members reported.

Committee Reports

Activity Coordinator K3WBT reported that upcoming events include Field Day, the Car Show in August, and the Boy Scouts Jamboree On The Air in October.

Education & Training Coordinator W3BC reported four inquiries regarding classes by prospective hams. Fall classes are proposed for upgrades in Clearfield and new licensees in Reynoldsville.

Nets – Problems with the WAN system are adversely affecting the Hamshack net.

Programs – VHF/UHF antenna shootout at the July meeting.

Public Service – Car Show and JOTA upcoming

Repeater – KB3LES reported that the KG4ZXC repeater in Chestnut Grove has improved coverage with a new antenna.

Old Business

Field Day planning – a list of who is bringing what was compiled.

New Business

There was no new business.

Good of the Order

There was no additional business or announcements.

On a motion by W3BC, seconded by KB3LES, the meeting was adjourned at 8:01 for Field Day planning.


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