Regular Meeting
January 18, 2013
- The Regular January meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:40 pm, Friday, January 18, 2013 by President W3TM in the Hiller Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. Following the salute to the Flag, a moment of silence for silent keys, including Ed Stewart KB3WRX (ex-K3SNA) was observed.
- Attendance: 20 members and two guests were in attendance: W3BC, N3FYD, KA3DEO, KA3YCB, KA3USM, N3HAO, KB3WBT, KB3VWX, N3SYB, W3BEV, KB3ZTN, N3WWT, KA3FHV, W3DWR, W3TM, KB3LES, KG4ZXC, KB3ZKJ, KB3WKD, KB3ZVG and guests K3TMD, KB3FPN.
- Secretary
- The Minutes of the Regular November meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a motion by KA3FHV, second by KA3YCB, the November minutes were approved as read.
- The December meeting was canceled due to closing of the Penn State DuBois Campus for inclement weather.
- The Minutes of the December 12 Executive Board meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a motion by KA3YCB, seconded by KB3WBT the Executive Board minutes were approved as read
- Secretary W3BC reported that no correspondence was sent or received.
- Treasurer
- W3DWR reported the Club treasury balance stands at $694.64. On a motion by W3BC, second by KA3FHV, the Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
- Treasurer W3DWR reported that membership renewals stand at 34, and 2013 dues are due and will be collected after the meeting. On a motion by W3BC, second by KA3USM, the Membership Report was approved.
- Committee Reports
- Activity
- Punxsutawney Area Amateur Radio Club President Steve KB3FPN invited club members to visit the PAARC club station at the Punxsutawney Airport during their annual Groundhog Day special event on Saturday, February 2nd from 9 am to 4 pm.
- The Cub Scout Klondike Derby event will be on February 9th at Camp Mountain Run from 9am to 4pm. Volunteers are needed to help present Amateur Radio to the several hundred Cub Scouts expected to be taking part.
- The members indicated approval to return to the DuBois Diner for the Spring Banquet. W3BC volunteered to make the arrangements.
- Other activities were listed and briefly discussed, including Field Day, Campout, County Fairs, Reynoldsville Homecoming, Fall Picnic and Christmas dinner.
- Education & Training Coordinator W3BC reported that spring classes are in the works.
- Upgrade classes will begin on Friday February 8th at the Reynoldsville Ambulance building. Morse Code training will be offered from 6 to 6:30 for those interested.
- A Technician Class is planned for the Clearfield/Curwensville area, at a location to be announced.
- A combined VE session will be scheduled to coincide with completion of both classes.
- FEMA/NIMS training for interested hams will be held before the regular meetings.
- Membership – W3DWR reported on renewals. W3BC moved and KA3USM seconded to send renewal application by US mail to those members whose email addresses are no longer good. Motion Carried. W3BC will get started.
- Nets – W3DWR and W3BC reported that the Hamshack Net is being held at 7 pm every Wednesday on the WAN Repeater System during the month of January on an experimental basis.
- Programs – W3BC reported that tonight’s program would be a hands-on clinic on using FLDIGI and NBEMS technology.
- PIO – W3BC asked for information about activities members are involved in to be shared with the media.
- Public Service – Coordinator KA3YCB reported on training activities and ARES information.
- Liaison – Red Cross Liaison KB3WKD mentioned the Red Cross Carnival coming up in May and June.
- Technology – nothing to report
- Repeater
- N3HAO transferred the frequency coordination of the 53.07 repeater to the Club, and donated the equipment for it and the original 147.39 repeater to the Club. The members acknowledged his gift with applause.
- KB3FPN offered to donate a DB-201 antenna to the Club. The members acknowledged his gift with applause.
- Repeater Trustee WA3UFN forwarded a report that due to administrative issues in the Repeater Council, he resubmitted the 2012 Coordination Update for the N3QC Quad-County 147.315 repeater to the Repeater Council.
- WA3UFN is building a UHF repeater to provide solid coverage in the greater DuBois area. Coordination application forms were submitted to the Repeater Council on behalf of the Club.
- KB3FPN offered to donate UHF repeater equipment to the effort and to provide technical support as needed.
- Activity
- Old Business – KB3WBT moved and W3BC Seconded to remove the creation of a Hamfest Committee from the table. Motion carried. President W3TM called for volunteers, and appointed to following volunteers: KB3WBT, W3BC, KA3YCB and KA3USM, with President W3TM an ex officio member of the committee.
- New Business –
- More discussion took place on the club reactivating the 6 meter repeater.
- A suggestion was made relative to the evening’s program suggesting a regular digital mode net on the repeater.
- KB3WBT asked about progress on VHF/UHF beacons. W3BC will contact WA3TTS for advice.
- W3BC presented bills for supplies and equipment damaged during a club activity. Moved by KB3LES and seconded by KA3USM to reimburse W3BC. Motion carried.
- Good of the Order – There was no additional business
- With no further business to be brought before the Club, on a motion by KA3FHV, second by KA3USM, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.
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