Regular Meeting
December 20, 2013
The regular December meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:34pm, Friday, December 20, 2013 by President AB3OG in the Coca-Cola Room of the Du Bois Diner (since the Penn State Campus was closed for intersession.) Following the salute to the Flag, the members observed a moment of silence in remembrance of silent keys. A round of introductions followed
Attendance: 11 members and one guest were in attendance: KB3VWX, W3BC, KB3LES, KC3AOV, KB3WBT, N3WWT, KB3ZTN, KA3DEO, W3BEV, KB3FPN, AB3OG and guest KA3MKY.
The Minutes of the Regular November meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a motion by KB3LES, seconded by KB3FPN the August minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer W3DWR was unable to attend.
Committee Reports
Activity Coordinator KB3WBT reported that 15 members and guests attended the Christmas Dinner in Clearfield, and a good time was had by all. Punxsutawney Area Amateur Radio Club President KB3FPN invited interested hams to help out at the PARC Groundhog Day Special Event Station K3HWJ on Saturday, February 1st. President and Scouting Liaison AB3OG reported he will contact the Bucktail Council office regarding once again putting on a demonstration for the Cub Scout Klondike derby at Camp Mountain Run on February 8th.
Education & Training Coordinator W3BC reported that Spring classes for new licensees and upgrades will be scheduled for after the first of the year.
Nets – A message from Net Manager W3DWR was relayed requesting volunteers to be Net Control for the Sunday Evening Quad-County FM net.
Programs – The January program will be on learning how to solder. Program coordinator W3BC asked for a volunteer to assist in setting up programs.
Public Information – PIO W3BC informed the group that the renewal for the qcarc.org domain and 12 months of website hosting is due. The amount is $74.00. Moved by W3BC and seconded by KB3LES to pay the bill. Motion carried.
Technology – Coordinator KB3WBT discussed upcoming technology activities, including VHF and UHF beacons.
Old Business
There was no old or unfinished business.
New Business
W3BC announced that he has been working on a new initiative for The Parasitic Emission titled “Project Launch Assist.” This project will address ways that local clubs can better include and involve newly licensed hams in club activities, and help them start out “on the right foot” in Amateur Radio.
Good of the Order
There were no additional business items or announcements.
There being no further business before the club, on a motion by KB3WBT and seconded by KC3AOV, the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 pm. Refreshments were served by W3BEV and the members present enjoyed a social hour after the meeting.
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