
Should QCARC continue giving VE Exams before club meetings in even months?

  • Yes, but occasionally on other days and times (67%, 2 Votes)
  • Yes (33%, 1 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, with more months (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, but fewer months (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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2024 Skywarn™ Recognition Day

The Skywarn™ Recognition Day event is December 7, 2024 from 0000Z – 2400Z ( December 6, 7PM ET to December 7, 7PM. At the time of this post State College NWS had no link about the event.

A link was found on the Pittsburgh NWS weather page:                                                    https://www.weather.gov/crh/skywarnrecognition



Very High Temperatures & UV Indices Continue

Be sure to stay aware of both the temperature and UV index. Additionally – stay hydrated!

The UV Index for Du Bois, PA, continues to be  forecast to be 10 plus. This UV Index number is in the Very High Exposure Category.

The National Weather Service  State College has updated the Heat Advisory  until 8:00 PM Saturday June 22, 2024.

Other NWS Forecast Offices have posted similar advisories, be sure to check your local NWS Forecast Office webpage for current updates.

For the detailed information about the UV Index Scale go to: https://www.epa.gov/sunsafety/uv-index-scale-0


Southwestern Pennsylvania Amateur Radio
SKYWARN Exercise.

For Pittsburgh (PBZ) and State College (CTP) Areas

Saturday April 20th, 2024

10:00 AM To 1:00 PM

(No further information at the time of posting.)


Stay Weather Aware

Along with the change in seasons comes a possibility of yet other types of severe weather. With various updates to our cellphones, it’s worthwhile to check that your cellphone is set to receive emergency reports. At   times, severe weather can move into your location with little warning. With your cellphone set to receive emergency alerts, you’ll likely keep  a step ahead of adverse weather as well as other alerts, where ever you happen to be.



Summer Weather Safety

Summer SafetyWith Summer is typically a time for fun but keep in mind adverse weather can threaten that fun and possibly turn things seriously opposite of fun! Stay weather aware, regardless if it is everyday sun and heat and especially National Weather Service reports pf possible or occurring severe weather. We have a lot of possibilities for flooding in our area, be aware of the hazards associated with floods. Please do not please yourself and/or family in harms way if you come upon a flooded roadway – TURN AROUND, DON’T DROWN. Along with keeping you and your family safe, that is one less incident that first-responders have to place themselves in harms way to rescue those who disregard the warnings!




When thunder roars, go indoors sign

DroughtIt might seem like it is just a cute saying


but following this advice might save your life!

This year there have been three people killed from lightning strikes, one in PA, as of the date this was posted.


For a little more information, check out this NWS webpage:






SkyWarn – Pittsburgh Weather Forecast Office

For our members in Jefferson County and other counties in the Pittsburgh National Weather Service Office area,  please check out this link  ” https://www.weather.gov/pbz/skywarn ”    for SkyWarn information  relating  to training schedules and other information.


SkyWarn – State College Weather Forecast Office

Check out the linkwww.weather.gov/ctp/SpotterTalks   for the dates and times available for the, in person, training talks.


Take A Little Extra Time When Adverse Weather Conditions Exist

Did you know? Each year in the United States, there are over 1,000 deaths and 100,000 injuries due to vehicle crashes during winter weather. Clean off your vehicle before driving. Flying snow from cars causes accidents. Keep it slow, and don’t use cruise control. Roads can be slick even if they just look wet. Leave extra distance between vehicles. Stay especially far from snow plows.Even with the squall like weather behind us, for now, we still need to be cautious when driving in winter conditions, as well as all other seasons.

Check out the National Weather Service Winter Resources web-page;   https://www.weather.gov/safety/winter   for more information on other Winter related issues.





Advanced SkyWarn Virtual Training Available

The National Weather Service, State College, announced a Virtual Advanced SkyWarn Spotter training opportunity.

Link to the NWS web-site for registration and other pertinent information about the virtual training, click the Advanced Skywarn graphic or this link:  https://www.weather.gov/ctp/SpotterTalks



NWS State College – Online Advanced SkyWarn Spotter Training Sessions

The National Weather Service, State College Office, has an Advanced Skywarn Spotter online training scheduled for February 23, 2022, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM.

Registration prior to the class is required. For detailed information on the class and registration check out the web-site : https://www.weather.gov/ctp//SpotterTalks 


Wind Chill Watch & Warning, Understand The Difference!

   As with all WATCHES and WARNINGS it is helpful to understand

the meaning behind the issue! Be sure to check the NWS Winter Safety web-site,

https://www.weather.gov/wrn/winter_safety .
