
Should QCARC continue giving VE Exams before club meetings in even months?

  • Yes, but occasionally on other days and times (67%, 2 Votes)
  • Yes (33%, 1 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, with more months (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, but fewer months (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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Amateur Radio Parity Act Moves Into The Senate



This important piece of legislation that may very well have an effect on more amateur radio operators than what you may first  expect, has moved into the Senate. The legislation has a history of bi-partisan support but we still need to keep aware of what is occurring with the bill as well as contact our representatives and encourage their support by clicking on the link directly below.



For the latest information on this legislation and information on the best way to request your representative’s support, check out  http://www.arrl.org/amateur-radio-parity-act 


Amateur Radio Parity Act – Reintroduced And Renamed


Information from the ARRL is that the Amateur Radio Parity Act has been reintroduced in the US House as of January 13, 2017, as HR 555.

The article states that HR 555 is a continuation of efforts from late last year, “The wording of HR 555 is identical to the language of HR 1301, which passed the US House of Representatives by a unanimous consent vote in September 2016 during the 114th Congress, which adjourned in December.”

For more information see the website:    http://www.arrl.org/amateur-radio-parity-act


Contact Your US Senators AGAIN! Important!!!

Amateur Radio Parity Act Logo_1111/15/2016

ARRL once again is calling on its members to urge their US Senators to support the Amateur Radio Parity Act (H.R. 1301) when it comes up in the Senate during the “lame duck” session of Congress that adjourns in mid-December. The House of Representatives approved the bill in September, but if the Senate does not follow suit, the bill will die, and the entire process will have to be repeated. ARRL Hudson Division Director Mike Lisenco, N2YBB, who chairs the ARRL Board’s Legislative Advocacy Committee and has been heavily involved in efforts to move H.R. 1301 forward, said today, “The clock is ticking!”

“We begin the e-mail campaign once again, as the US Senate returns to work this week after a month-long hiatus,” Lisenco said. “We were just beginning to build momentum in the Senate following the unanimous passage of the Parity Act in the House when Congress shut down for the 4 weeks prior to Election Day.”

The task is simple: Go to our Rally Congress page, enter your ZIP code, fill in your name and address, press enter, and e-mails will go directly to your Senators. Members may do this, even if they have already contacted their US Senators for support.

“We have to remind our legislators that we are still here and that we need the Amateur Radio Parity Act to become law,” Lisenco stressed. “We must to do this now as we have, at most, only 4 weeks left in the session to get the bill passed this year. Otherwise, we will have to begin the entire process in 2017 with a new 115th Congress.”

There are no guarantees, Lisenco said, and we are subject to the political bickering that goes on daily between the parties, despite the fact that the bill is truly a bipartisan effort. “In order to have a chance at overcoming political obstacles that have little or nothing to do with the legislation, we need our voices to be heard,” he said. “And we need that input today!”

September’s victory in the US House was the culmination of many years of effort on ARRL’s part to gain legislation that would enable radio amateurs living in deed-restricted communities to erect efficient outdoor antennas that support Amateur Radio communication. The measure calls on the FCC to amend its Part 97 rules “to prohibit the application to amateur stations of certain private land-use restrictions, and for other purposes.” While similar bills in past years gained some traction on Capitol Hill, it was not until the overwhelming grassroots support from the Amateur Radio community for H.R. 1301, and ARRL’s relentless and strident efforts on Capitol Hill that this bill made it this far.

As the amended bill provides, “Community associations should fairly administer private land-use regulations in the interest of their communities, while nevertheless permitting the installation and maintenance of effective outdoor Amateur Radio antennas. There exist antenna designs and installations that can be consistent with the aesthetics and physical characteristics of land and structures in community associations while accommodating communications in the Amateur Radio services.”


Burn Bans Lifted in Clearfield and Jefferson Counties

flames-clipartThe countywide burn ban that was enacted at the the July 19 Clearfield County PA, Commissioners meeting, was lifted as of 8/16/2016.

For the entire article relating to the burn ban see the GantDaily.com website http://gantdaily.com/2016/08/16/breaking-clearfield-county-lifts-burn-ban/

Jefferson County PA has also lifted their burn ban.


Are Lifetime Amateur Radio Licenses in the Future? -Nope, Petition Dismissed-

June 22, 2016 – petition dismissed.

Download the entire document 3 pages.

There is a Petition for Rule Making (RM 11760) that asks the FCC to grant lifetimeFCC logo Amateur Radio Licenses. The FCC is seeking comments on this petition that would revise §97.25 to indicate the license is granted for lifetime as opposed to the current 10 year term.

Individuals may submit comments through the FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing System.

Additionally, the complete article on this petition can be read at the ARRL web site.



– IMPORTANT UPDATE – The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015 — H.R.1301 & S 1685

Recent information from ARRL indicates that those in opposition to this bill are Amateur Radio Parity Act Logo_11campaigning against the bill with fraudulent information which is shown in a video on the link below “Contacting Your Congressional Representatives”. It is also part of the QCARC meeting program on November 20. To counter these false representations of the bill, ARRL president Craigie asks that amateur radio operators contact their representatives  to request that they support this important bill. Phone calls, emails and letters are all acceptable. Letters should be submitted through the ARRL to prevent delays in the letter’s delivery to the representative. Visit Contacting Your Congressional Representatives on the ARRL website for contact information or see the list in the website version of this story.


The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015 (H.R.1301) & (S 1685)

Attention all amateurs, the Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015 ( H.R. 1301) has been introduced in the US House of Representatives. Now a Senate Bill has been introduced (S 1685). Both bills pertain to amateurs obtaining permission to erect antennas where an HOA, or other covenant prohibits an antenna outside. If passed the FCC would amend part 97 rules to include homeowners’ association regulations and deed restrictions, often referred to as “covenants, conditions and restrictions” (CC&Rs). Even if you do not currently live in such an environment, you may encounter this issue some day. Support for this bill will assist your fellow amateurs who may live with such constraints and even restrictions at your QTH that you may be unaware.

Remember to submit your letter to your representative the quickest, file it through the available ARRL links.

To read all the details and how you can assist in this very important issue to all amateurs, go to the updated web site: http://www.arrl.org/amateur-radio-parity-act

Check this ARRL page for the latest information as of August 25, 2015. : http://www.arrl.org/news/view/arrl-president-expects-parity-act-house-bill-cosponsorships-to-top-100-soon
