
Should QCARC continue giving VE Exams before club meetings in even months?

  • Yes, but occasionally on other days and times (67%, 2 Votes)
  • Yes (33%, 1 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, with more months (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, but fewer months (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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Items For Sale

The following items are for sale by a former local amateur radio operator.

No one in the Club has any details on the items listed. Please contact Fred for any information.

Heath 10-12 oscilloscope

Heath RF signal generator IG-102

Eico Resistance, capacitance checker 950B

B&K 700 tube tester

Heath1/2 amp 1-15

+10V to -10V 2,00 ma power supply

Sabtronics 8100 frequency counter

Heath HO1250 grid dip meter

Circuit breadboard

Books with hundreds of circuits

BeckmanDM20 digital multimeter

Micronta logic probe


All kinds of capacitors and resistors

Integrated circuits

Transistors, LEDs & relays

Potentiometeres, tube sockets

Switches, coils, transformers

Manuals & solid state replacement guides

1979 Radio Amateur Handbook

GR91 shortwave receiver with HD-1424 active antenna

Heath HD-11 Q multiplier

CONTACT:    Fred Wesdock (814) 371-3675-







QCARC 2024 Annual Dues Time

Hi folks, it’s that time of year when your support of the Club by submitting your application and dues is requested. Thank you very much for your support!

Please complete the .pdf that can be downloaded  via the following link: ” QCARC 2024 Application ” . Please take it to the meeting or mail it to the Club Post Office box address on the application.

The meetings are held at the Du Bois Campus of Penn State University, in the Smeal Building, on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. ARRL VE Exams are held on the even numbered months at 6:00 PM, prior to the regular meeting, registration is required at least one week in advance of  the exam by calling (814) 771-3804. No walk-ins are available.



NWS Snow Squall Awareness Week

Surprisingly Snow Squall Awareness Week was scheduled at an appropriate time.

Please check the website –   https://www.weather.gov/ctp/SnowSquall  – or click the  Snow Squalls  graphic for some very interesting  information about this hazardous weather phenomenon.






Advanced SkyWarn Virtual Training Available

The National Weather Service, State College, announced a Virtual Advanced SkyWarn Spotter training opportunity.

Link to the NWS web-site for registration and other pertinent information about the virtual training, click the Advanced Skywarn graphic or this link:  https://www.weather.gov/ctp/SpotterTalks



QCARC Meetings

The Quad-County Amateur Radio Club meets on the third Tuesday of the month,  at the Penn State DuBois Campus in the Smeal Building Conference Room. The VE exams are scheduled on even months.

Set your GPS to  ” 1 College Place, DuBois, PA  15801 ” .

This meeting is open to the public.   Face masks are NOT required.  Members and non members alike are welcome.


QCARC 2022 Dues Are Due

Hi folks, it’s that time of year when your support of the Club by submitting your application and dues is requested. Thank you very much for your support!

Please complete the .pdf that can be downloaded then printed via the following ” QCARC 2022 Application” link below. The updated application and associated  link has the new PO box number and PO. :

QCARC 2022 Membership Appl.




SkyWarn Online Training Opportunities

If you are interested in SkyWarn Training, you have a couple opportunities to complete the training online.  Click on the “Want To Become A SkyWarn Spotter?” graphic for information from the State College NWS office site.

Additionally, you can go to: https://www.meted.ucar.edu/education_training/course/23   If you need to enroll, it is a rather quick no charge process. Once enrolled you can take any of the many courses offered on various topics. It is worth checking out their catalog of courses.





Significant Rainfall and Flooding? – HEED THE NOAA/N.W.S. WARNINGS!

It looks like our general area will be impacted by the remnants of hurricane Ida. It is often easy to discount the weather forecasts but just what if the forecasts are accurate or even worse weather ends up occurring! The saying “Turn around don’t drown.” is not just cliche, it really means what it says.  There is seldom any good reason to place yourself and/or family in harms way.  Additionally there is no reason to ad to the workload of first-responders by instigating a rescue, needlessly placing them in harms way, by negligence in disregarding warnings. Take a little time to review the graphics issued by NOAA, they carry a very valid message! Also be sure your cellphone is setup to receive severe weather advisories. This function receives advisories for the location wherever you are as long as the GPS location is active.













Silent Key: Greg Jeffers N3FYD, Emporium

It is with great sadness we share the news that Greg Jeffers N3FYD of Emporium has passed away. Greg was an active radio amateur, and was a participating member with the local clubs. He was a regular check in on our Sunday night nets, and the owner of one of the Emporium repeaters.

More information will be published as details become available.


Q.C.A.R.C. VE Exams Scheduled

The Quad County Amateur Radio Club (QCARC), has scheduled an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) amateur radio Volunteer Examination session for August 26, 2020 at 10:00 AM. All license class exams will be available.

You must register and advise the exams that you intend to take, as there are limited spaces available.  –  No walk-ins can be accepted.

To register, or for additional information contact: bryan@wa3ufn.com or (814) 371-3836   — (8/26/20  7:12) —  REGISTRATION CLOSED  —


Q.C.A.R.C. Breakfasts Suspended

In the interest of maintaining a healthy environment for activities for you, our members and guests, we feel that it is best to suspend the breakfast gatherings given today’s circumstances. We look forward to initiating the breakfast gatherings as soon as possible.


August Meeting Announcement

The Quad-County Amateur Radio Club will hold an online meeting August 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM. In the interest of maintaining a healthy environment for you, our members and guests, we feel the remote webinar is the optimal method to conduct meetings given today’s circumstances.

An available email list of members has been sent a notice which has all of the needed information to join the meeting by computer only. (Cell phone connection is no longer available.)

It may be advantageous to use voice only instead of both voice and video to eliminate drop-outs due to bandwidth limitations. Video is not required to participate.

If you have not received the email notice, email Bryan at: wa3ufn@arrl.net to advise so the information can be emailed.

Due to the 50 minute limitation, imposed by the webinar service provider, no program can be presented.
