
Should QCARC continue giving VE Exams before club meetings in even months?

  • Yes, but occasionally on other days and times (67%, 2 Votes)
  • Yes (33%, 1 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, with more months (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, but fewer months (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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Website Update

QCARC-WebsiteI did some very much-needed maintenance on this website today. All necessary software updates were completed, configured and debugged. One or two small issues remain, but I think you will all enjoy the improvements!

Please visit the poll section on the left often to make your voice heard. Polls are once again working and will be changed weekly. you can click the link at the bottom of the poll box to see the results or participate in past polls. Have fun!


Quarter Million Website Views

A milestone has been reached by the Quad-County ARC website. At 0917 UTC, Thurday October 25, someone in Ireland registered hit number 250,000 on this website. That’s not surprising, because hams all over the world have visited qcarc.org to the tune of more than 400 hits per day since it went live in February last year (2011).

Thank you to all our visitors, and to all our contributors!


New Web Address

As befits an organization I have obtained the domain name “qcarc.org” for our website. The old “dot-com” name will continue to exist and will address the same content, at least for now. During the next several days, there may be some delays as the DNS servers recognize the change. For the best performance, please change your bookmarks to www.qcarc.org.


Website Update

It is said that engineers never know when to stop “improving” things. I certainly share that malady!

I think the website is close to its final, working form, and is almost ready for production. It already has plenty of new and useful functionality. There is one new and very exciting feature I’ve added… If you’re a registered user, YOU CAN ENTER YOUR OWN ARTICLES!!! As everyone uses this feature more and more, the website becomes a place you will have to visit often. It’s safe to say the website is never the same twice!

I’ve added lots of eye-candy. I think I may have missed my calling as a Graphic Designer. Or maybe it’s brain damage from my reckless youth!

You’re probably wondering what the “QRM” box is all about. Well, each item submitted to the website can be “tagged” with several keywords describing what it’s about. The QRM is a 3-D beehive of those keywords. The bigger they are, the more articles are related to those keywords. Clicking on a green one loads all articles with that keyword. Slide your mouse on over to the QRM box and watch all those pretty colors, man… (oops, another flashback!)… You know you want to!

This is YOUR website. Please feel welcome to reply to any post, vote in the polls, browse the Classified Ads, read all the “stuff”, and write your own posts to share with others. If you have photos of your shack, upload them! Let’s all make this thing grow!


Suggestions for the Website

Hello everyone!

I’d like to open this discussion as a place for you to leave your comments and suggestions for the new website. Is there a feature you’d like to see? is there something that could be better. Is something missing?

These and many other concerns are just what we will discuss here!


Welcome to the New Website!

This is the new, upgraded website of The Quad-County Amateur Radio Club. It has been redesigned from the ground up to support modern features and provide you with an interactive experience which will help you find the information you are looking for more quickly and easily.

You may comment on any discussion, and even start a new discussion topic. In addition, the new technology allows the club to present the latest information immediately without any fancy HTML programming required!
