
Should QCARC continue giving VE Exams before club meetings in even months?

  • Yes, but occasionally on other days and times (67%, 2 Votes)
  • Yes (33%, 1 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, with more months (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, but fewer months (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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I thought I saw a Pussycat…(And now it’s gone)

Well, here we go again!

Remember a while ago, when I wrote about needing a project in order to stay sane, while my shoulder healed? Well, I sure found one!

If you look at the picture at the right, that’s it!

It’s a fantastic little rig from Kenwood, when they still made simple but very good HF stations –  no menus, no electronic band-switch, etc.

The model number is TS-130s, and it covers 80m -10m, including the WARC bands, it’s got 100w output and is a cw/ssb rig only, but hey, its a great rig for ragchewing, field-day, beginners’ rig, or when going camping!  :)

When I got it, someone had dropped the top lid while looking inside, resulting in tearing the wire off from internal speaker, but with the help from some junked speakers, that was an easy fix. Then came the question why the RF power came and went. Well, what really was wrong, was a voltage regulator, sitting on the heat sink, and it was supposed to be insulated from ground. As you might already have guessed, it was not really…that is to say, the little washer with a little flange on, that is supposed to keep the screw from touching the regulator, was damaged, so when keying the rig, sometimes it made contact, and sometimes not….  After having found this, it now works just as new!

Speaking of cleaning, now I’m going to tell you what not ever to do!! (AND I MEAN THAT!)

When cleaning knobs, do not EVER try to do that in a sink, without a strainer! Why? I’ll tell you why, if you haven’t felt your heart fly up into your throat, YOU WILL! Also, if you haven’t had to take the drain apart, YOU WILL!

Now, if you have stopped laughing, and stopped saying S****D I***T, I can tell you, I now know how it feels! I was just lucky that the knob wasn’t flushed out. Having  put it all together again, I buffed up the scuffed paint on the case. It looks  so good, that I don’t want to let it go, but since it’s only a project rig, I must (at least that’s what XYL says…)

A radio in this condition sells really fast, and so did this. Roger KB3ZKJ, is now the happy owner. Congrats Roger!

Your storyteller

