
Should QCARC continue giving VE Exams before club meetings in even months?

  • Yes, but occasionally on other days and times (67%, 2 Votes)
  • Yes (33%, 1 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, with more months (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, but fewer months (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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Silent Key: Doug Rowles W3DWR

Doug Obit
It is with sadness that the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club notes the passing of Douglas A. Rowles W3DWR, 72 of Morrisdale, PA on Friday, January 2, 2015 at UPMC-Shadyside in Pittsburgh, PA. Doug was currently serving the club as a member of the Executive Board, and was an a frequently serving officer of the club, having recently held office as Treasurer and President. Doug was also the Net manager, and a fixture at club activities including public service events, contests, dinners, banquets, breakfasts and meetings.Doug served as Facilities Coordinator for the annual Field Day event held every June.

Doug was an enthusiastic supporter of operation on the VHF and UHF bands, including repeaters, and simplex operations, as well as single sideband operations on Six and two meters. He was part of the “WIT Team” – a group of club members focused on VHF contesting led by Gary Boucher W3GNR, and with the group scored first place an numerous VHF contests through thhe early 1980s.

Doug is survived by his brother, Jeff KA3FHV who resided with Doug at their home in Morrisdale. Funeral arrangements are being provided by the Chidboy Funeral Home in Curwensville. Viewing will be on Tuesday, January 6, 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm, and on Wednesday, January 7 from 10-11 am, with services following.


The Hamshack Net Moves To WAN-RS

During the month of January, the Hamshack Net has moved to the WAN Repeater System. Testing will continue all month. Meet us there every Wednesday at 7:00 pm on a WAN repeater near you!

The wide availibility of WAN repeaters should allow handheld users an opportunity to check in by using a local repeater instead of DXing the 147.315 machine which may be dozens of miles away!

Here is a recording of the first session (6.5MB download)
This is the second WAN session, January 9, 2013 (12.7 MB)


70 Cm Net

The Quad-County Amateur Radio Club 70 Cm net debuted Sunday April 1 five minutes after the conclusion of the QCARC 2 meter net. 12 stations checked in.

We will do this again on Sunday, April 8th. Please consider joining us. We will be using the K3EDD repeater on 444.625. The purpose of the net is to familiarize area amateurs with the characteristics and capabilities of the 70 Cm band. So circle your calendar and prepare to join in!

You might be surprised to see how well UHF works with today’s equipment!


RESUMED June 3 on 443.475 N5NWC Repeater


The Hamshack Net

From your shack to ours, we’re starting a new ragchew net on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm on the 147.315 repeater. This informal net will give everybody the opportunity to say hello to old friends and new, and fill everybody in on the latest happenings at your QTH. If you are within the coverage of the N3QC Repeater, we hope you’ll join in the fun this Wednesday at 7:00 pm.

After the callup, we’ll take mobile check-ins, followed by weaker and distant stations. Then the big boys can play. Once we have our list, we’ll start things going round the list and keep going until everybody falls asleep or the electric company pulls the plug! Let’s all give this a try and see how it goes!

Club membership isn’t required — everyone who can key the repeater is welcome! (Although why not join the club? It’s cheap!)

UPDATE! First Session a Success!

We had 8 checkins for our first session which lasted the better part of an hour. The topic was, “How’s DX?” and we had a nice roundtable. Here’s a recording:
2011-10-25 Hamshack Net

Help Wanted

This is a simple and friendly net. You can be the net control station for a month. The entire format fits on a 4×6 index card. If you would like to volunteer for a month, (or even just a week to give it a try) contact our Quad-COunty ARC Net Manager Doug W3DWR.

Here’s the PDF of the net format!
