Regular Meeting
September 20, 2013
The regular September meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:30pm, Friday, September 20, 2013 by President W3TM in the Hiller Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. Following the salute to the Flag, the members observed a moment of silence in remembrance of silent keys. A round of introductions followed
Attendance: 13 members and one guest were in attendance: W3BC, W3DWR, KA3FHV, KB3LES, KB3FPN, W3TM, AB3OG, KA3YCB, W3BEV, N3DIR, KB3WBT, KA3USM, N3HAO, and guest Jeff Smith.
The Minutes of the Regular August meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a motion by KA3USM, seconded by KB3LES the August minutes were approved as read.
Letters of appreciation have been received from several local libraries where we have placed ARRL License Manuals in memory of Silent Keys.
Treasurer W3DWR reported that after paying expenses for the picnic, and the annual insurance renewal, the treasury stands at $91.91 On a motion by KA3USM, seconded by W3BC, the treasurer’s report was approved as read.
Committee Reports
Activity Coordinator KB3WBT reported on the the Car Show on August 10, and discussed upcoming events including the Boy Scouts Jamboree On The Air in October. The Club Picnic was held at Ed Golla’s on Saturday, September 7th
Education & Training Coordinator W3BC reported fall classes are taking place for upgrades in Clearfield and new licensees in Reynoldsville. Technician classes began Tuesday, September 10 in Reynoldsville and upgrade classes will begin in Clearfield on Thursdays, starting October 3.
Nets – The Hamshack Net has moved back to the WAN Repeater System. Net Manage W3DWR reports that the Sunday night Quad-County FM net NCS will be WD3D for the month of October.
Programs – September program is Waterfall displays and weak signal reception. October is the Annual Meeting.
Public Information – Officer W3BC reported that an article about the club was published in the DuBois Courier Express.
Public Service – Coordinator KA3YCB discussed the annual Simulated Emergency Test scheduled for October 5th.
Repeaters – W3BC announced that antenna problems on the DuBois Repeater are being repaired. KA3USM discussed the possibility of setting up the 6-meter repeater in the village of Rockton. It was discussed that facilities are already available at the Schofield Road site which is 800 feet higher and already coordinated. It was decided to contact N5NWC to pick up the 6-meter Duplexer.
Old Business
New Business
Good of the Order
On a question about the club sponsoring a hamfest, a great deal of pro and con discussion ensued. W3BC moved and KA3USM seconded that a committee be formed to add a “swap meet” component to one of the club’s upcoming social activities in 2014. Motion carried. President W3TM appointed volunteers KA3USM and KB3WBT to the committee.
There being no further business before the club, Secretary W3BC took the floor to open nominations for club officers, to be elected at the October Annual Meeting. The following nominations were recorded:
President: Treasurer:
W3TM (by KA3FHV) W3DWR (by KA3FHV)
AB3OG (by W3TM) Executive Board:
Vice President: KA3FHV (by W3DWR)
KB3WBT (by W3TM) KA3USM (by W3BC)
W3TM (by W3BC) W3BEV (by W3TM)
Secretary: KB3LES (by AB3OG)
W3BC (by W3DWR) KA3YCB (by N3DIR)
With no further nominations to be recorded, in accordance with the Constitution, Secretary W3BC declared that the nominations will remain open until the election at the October Annual Meeting, and returned the floor to President W3TM
On a motion by KA3FHV, seconded by KB3LES, the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 pm for the program on Waterfall Displays and Weak Signals by W3BC. Refreshments were provided by W3BEV.
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