Minutes, July 2013


Regular Meeting

July 19, 2013

The regular July meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:30pm, Friday, July 19, 2013 by President W3TM in the Hiller Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. Following the salute to the Flag, the members observed a moment of silence in remembrance of silent keys. A round of introductions followed

Attendance: 10 members were in attendance: W3TM, W3BC, KB3LES, KC3AOV, N3HAO, KA3FHV, W3DWR, AB3OG, KB3KTE and KB3KTD.


The Minutes of the Regular June meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a motion by KB3LES, seconded by W3DWR the June minutes were approved as read.

Correspondence: Norm Fusaro at ARRL HQ informed us that our Special Service Club renewal sent to the WPA Section management for approval.

On a motion by KA3FHV, seconded by KC3AOV, the Secretary’s report was accepted.


W3DWR reported that following routine bill payments the Club treasury balance stands at $297.15. On a motion by KB3KTE, second by AB3OG, the Treasurer’s report was approved as read.

Treasurer W3DWR reported that paid membership continues at 43, with 23 ARRL members reported.

Committee Reports

Activity Coordinator K3WBT reported that upcoming events include the Car Show on August 10, and the Boy Scouts Jamboree On The Air in October. W3BC reported that Ed Golla K3AHS has once again invited the Club to have a fall picnic at his Dad’s (WA3GMT) QTH. It was moved by W3BC and seconded by W3DWR to confirm with Ed that the Club will hold the Picnic when he is in town in September. Motion carried.

Education & Training Coordinator W3BC reported fall classes are proposed for upgrades in Clearfield and new licensees in Reynoldsville. Dates to be announced.

Nets – The Hamshack Net has moved back to the 147.315 repeater..

Programs – August program will be about Contesting, and guest speakers are tentatively lined up for future meetings.

Repeater – KB3LES reported that the KG4ZXC repeater in Chestnut Grove has improved coverage with a new antenna. Programming for his 70 cm repeater is continuing.

Old Business

  • Field Day summary was presented by W3BC.
  • Power Line noise in Falls Creek: Direction-finding team will meet at 11:00 am, Saturday, July 27th to locate the sources.

New Business

Moved by W3BC, seconded by KA3FHV to contact our Red Cross Liaison KB3WKD to see if he wishes to continue in that capacity. Motion Carried.

Moved by KB3LES, seconded by AB3OG that the Club pay for all picnic expenses. Motion Carried.

The members present discussed the plans for 2014 Field Day. It was pointed out that the PA Trappers Association would once again be the primary users of the Clearfield Fairgrounds that weekend. The pros and cons of holding Field Day at Ed Golla’s location alternate years were discussed. Moved by W3DWR and seconded by KA3FHV to look into the possibility and report back at the October meeting. Motion Carried.

Good of the Order

A member asked a question regarding recent Emergency Communication activities during the floods in DuBois and other communities. W3BC replied that since electrical power to the hilltop Public Safety communications facilities was not disrupted, Amateur Radio was not contacted for assistance.

On a motion by AB3OG, seconded by W3TM, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 followed by a review of Field Day activities.


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