Minutes, February 2013


Regular Meeting

February 15, 2013

  1. The Regular February meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:30 pm, Friday, February 15, 2013 by President W3TM in the Hiller Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. Following the salute to the Flag, a moment of silence for silent keys. A round of introductions followed, with all four counties represented.
    1. Attendance: 12 members and five guests were in attendance: W3BC, KB3ZKJ, AB3OG, KA3YCB, KB3LES, KA3FHV, W3TM, KA3USM, W3DWR, KB3WBT, N3WWT, KB3ZTN and guests K3TMD, N3UDN, N3NWL, N3FXD, KB3ZKI.
  2. Secretary
    1. The Minutes of the Regular January meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a motion by KA3YCB, second by W3DWR, the January minutes were approved as read.
    2. Secretary W3BC read a letter received from the Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council regarding the 147.315 Quad-County Repeater coordination. On a motion by W3DWR, seconded by KB3LES, and a unanamous vote in favor with no “nay” votes or abstentions, the Secretary was instructed to record the letter verbatum into the minutes (hereby included as Attachment “A”).
  3. Treasurer
    1. W3DWR reported the Club treasury balance stands at $787.49 On a motion by W3BC, second by KA3FHV, the Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
    2. Treasurer W3DWR reported that membership renewals stand at 35, with 19 ARRL members reported. On a motion by W3BC, second by KA3USM, the Membership Report was approved.
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Activity
      1. A report was presented summarizing the Punxsutawney Area Amateur Radio Club’s annual Groundhog Day special event on Saturday, February 2nd.
      2. The Cub Scout Klondike Derby event on February 9th at Camp Mountain Run was reviewed by those who participated: KB3LES, AB3OG, KB3WBT, KB3VWX, KB3ZKI and W3BC. Three-hundred Cub Scouts individually spoke in the air to K3PJ and other stations on the Quad-County and WAN repeaters.
      3. W3BC reported that the Spring Banquet has been scheduled for Saturday, April 27th from 5:30 to 9:00 pm. RSVP to Treasure3r W3DWR by April meeting (April 19th.)
    2. Education & Training Coordinator W3BC reported that spring licensing classes are in the works.
      1. Upgrade classes began on Friday February 8th at the Reynoldsville Ambulance building. Morse Code training will be offered from 6 to 6:30 for those interested.
      2. A Technician Class is scheduled for Thursday evenings, beginning 5:50 pm March 7th at the Lock Haven University Clearfield Campus.
      3. A combined VE session will be scheduled to coincide with completion of both classes.
      4. FEMA/NIMS training for interested hams is being held before the regular meetings.
    3. Membership – W3DWR reminded everyone regarding renewals.
    4. Nets – W3DWR and W3BC reported that the Hamshack Net is being held at 7 pm every Wednesday on the WAN Repeater System. KB3LES moved and KA3YCB seconded that the starting time be changed to 6:30 pm to accommodate the Warren County EMA Net that starts at 8:00 pm on the WAN Repeater System..
    5. Programs – W3BC reported that tonight’s program would be a discussion of the role of a Public Information Officer and how Public Relations benefits the club and Amateur Radio.
    6. Public Service – Coordinator KA3YCB reported on upcoming SKYWARN training sessions.
    7. Repeater
      1. Discussion continued regarding the Quad-County Repeater coordination. Concerned members were reassured that the Repeater Council has confirmed that the coordination is exclusively in the name of the Club, and not any other agency.
      2. 53.07 Coordination was transferred to the Club by N3HAO at the January meeting. Paperwork was submitted to the Repeater Council at that time.
      3. WA3UFN sent a report that the N3QC DuBois UHF repeater is ready for testing as soon as the brand-new duplexer arrives. The anticipated frequency is 443.85 MHz with a +5 MHz offset and CTCSS tone of 173.8. Coordination paperwork was submitted to the Repeater Council and accepted, as “Looks OK.”
  5. Old Business
    1. No progress from the Hamfest committee.
    2. Constitution committee, First Draft is almost ready.
    3. 6 Meter repeater – will happen when weather breaks.
  6. New Business
    1. Moved by W3BC and seconded by KB3LES to donate a License Manual to the Reynoldsville Public Library in memory of Ed Stuart KB3WRX. Motion Carried.
  7. Good of the Order
    1. N3UDN announced the dates and times of upcoming VE sessions in Ridgway and Coudersport
  8. With no further business to be brought before the Club, on a motion by KB3LES, second by AB3OG, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Attachment “A” – Letter from Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council

January 26,2013

3000 Village Run Road- Unit103 #173 – Wexford, Pa 15090
web site: www.wprcinfo.com – email: wprc@wprcinfo.org

Hello Mr. Errigo and Mr. Siminac

Recently It came to my attention that the W.P.R.C. has received two membership applications for the N3QC147.315 MHz repeater system. One is from the Quad County ARC, represented by Brian Siminac WA3UFN. While the other is from Michael Errigo WB3EQW, representing the Clearfield County ARES/RACES. Both applications state that they are the representative for the N3QC repeater operating on 147.315 MHz. Hmm. Something is afoot, as Sherlock Holmes would exclaim.

W.P.R.C. membership is based on the applicant holding a W.P.R.C. issued frequency coordination. While this repeater system does hold W.P.R.C. issued frequency coordination, a search of the records shows that the Quad County A.R.C. holds the frequency coordination. Thus it is my opinion that their representatives are members of the W.P.R.C. So far I have not found any frequency coordination listing for the Clearfield County ARES/RACES. Both membership applications were received in late October of last year. Unfortunately I deposited both checks, without really researching things.

According to the submitted paperwork, it appears that on March 5, 2008, a John Szwarc N3SPW representing the Philipsburg A.R.C.,submitted a letter to the W.P.R.C. stating that he Intended to transfer the 147.315 MHz repeater system frequency coordination to the Quad County A.R.C. That was apparently processed by the W.P.R.C. at some time during the 2008 time frame. Thus membership would also have changed from the Philipsburg ARC, to the Quad County A.R.C.

Mr. Errigo, If you agree with this, I can return your 2012 and 2013 dues if you want it returned. Or you can retain membership as an associate member. It is my understanding that you recently applied for frequency coordination, but the application was rejected because incomplete information was provided.

Of course you could reapply for frequency coordination in the future. Possibly some coordinations might become available in the near future due to decoordlnation. If you, or your group, are interested it is best to keep updated by viewing our web pages listed above, or better yet Join us at one of the upcoming W.P.R.C. meetings.

If either of you don’t agree, or have more to add please let me know. Via email is ok. It’s best to send email to our email address of ‘”wprc@Wprcinfo.org”, as emails addressed are relayed to all the W.P.R.C. B.O.D. members. There is no need to send certified· registered letters.

Mr. Simanic your material, addressed to me was received via U.S. Mall, on January 19, 2013 and logged in as number 3412. Thank you for the information. It was most helpful.

73 de Chuck W3ON, W.P.R.C. Treasurer


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