Minutes, August 2013


Regular Meeting

August 16, 2013

The regular August meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:30pm, Friday, August 16, 2013 by President W3TM in the Hiller Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. Following the salute to the Flag, the members observed a moment of silence in remembrance of silent keys. A round of introductions followed

Attendance: 10 members and two guests were in attendance: W3BC, W3TM, KB3LES, KA3UM, KB3WBT, KB3VWX, KC3AOV, AB3OG, KA3YCB, KA3FHV, and guests: Pam Lair and News Reporter Glen Shuckers covering the meeting for the DuBois Courier-Express.


The Minutes of the Regular July meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a motion by KB3LES, seconded by KB3WBT the June minutes were approved as read.

Correspondence: The ARRL Special Service Club Certificate for 2013-2015 was presented to President W3TM by Secretary W3BC.


A Card was circulated for Treasurer, Doug Rowles W3DWR who was receiving medical treatment at Shadyside Hospital in Pittsburgh

Committee Reports

Activity Coordinator K3WBT reported on the the Car Show on August 10, and discussed upcoming events including the Boy Scouts Jamboree On The Air in October. W3BC reported that the Club will hold the Picnic on Saturday, September 7th at 1 pm at he Ed Golla QTH on PA 310, south of Reynoldsville.

Education & Training Coordinator W3BC reported fall classes are proposed for upgrades in Clearfield and new licensees in Reynoldsville. Dates and times have been set: Tuesdays beginning September 10 in Reynoldsville and upgrade classes in Clearfield on Thursdays, starting October 3.

Nets – The Hamshack Net has moved back to the 147.315 repeater, due to issues with the WAN Repeater System in the local area.

Programs – August program will be about Contesting. Waterfall displays and weak signal reception will be the program at the September meeting.

Old Business

  • Libraries report that the books the club donated in memory of silent keys have been placed into general circulation.

New Business

Moved by W3BC, seconded by KA3USM to continue with Red Cross Liaison KB3WKD until further notice. Motion Carried.

KA3FHV accepted the appointment to Outgoing QSL manager. Bring your outgoing QSLs to DX stations to Jeff at any meeting and the club will pick up the postage.

Good of the Order

There was no further business before the club.

On a motion by W3BC, seconded by KA3FHV, the meeting was adjourned at 8:14 for the program on Contesting 101.


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