Minutes, April 2013


Regular Meeting

April 19, 2013

The regular April meeting of the Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:30 pm, Friday, April 19, 2013 by Vice President AB3OG (by the request of President W3TM who was unable to attend due to a family emergency) in the Hiller Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. Following the salute to the Flag, the members observed a moment of silence for silent keys. A round of introductions followed

Attendance: 14 members were in attendance: W3BC, KB3ZKJ, AA3AZ, KB3ZVG, KB3WBT, KA3YCB, KA3FHV, W3DWR, N3HAO, KB3KTE, KB3KTD, KB3LES, AB3OG and W3BEV.


The Minutes of the Regular March meeting were read by Secretary W3BC. On a, motion by KA3FHV, second by KB3ZKJ the March minutes were approved with one correction.

The Secretary reported that no correspondence was received or sent.


W3DWR reported the Club treasury balance stands at $746.76 On a motion by KA3YCB, second by AB3AZ, the Treasurer’s report was approved as read.

Treasurer W3DWR reported that membership renewals stand at 41, with 22 ARRL members reported.

Committee Reports

Activity Coordinator K3WBT reported that upcoming events include Field Day and the Red Cross Carnival in June, the Car Show in August, and requested comments regarding Picnics and campouts.

Education & Training Coordinator W3BC invited VEs to attend the upcoming test session on May 2nd, and reported on the progress of the upgrade class in Reynoldsville and the introductory classes in Clearfield.

Membership – W3DWR reminded everyone regarding renewals.

Nets – W3DWR and W3BC reported that the Hamshack Net is being held at 7 pm every Wednesday on the WAN Repeater System. Comments were made regarding the inability to check in by Clearfield stations due to the malfunction of the 147.39 repeater.

Programs – KB3WBT will present a program on starting out with HF at the May meeting, and AA3AZ will present a DX program tonight.

Public Service – Coordinator KA3YCB reported that advanced SKYWARN training courses are available online. Contact him for details.


WA3UFN sent a report that the N3QC DuBois UHF repeater is on the air for testing on 443.85 MHz with a +5 MHz offset and CTCSS tone of 173.8. Coordination is pending with the WPRC.

Old Business

W3BC made a motion and KA3YCB seconded that the club purchase food and condiments for Field Day. In the discussion that followed, it was pointed out that the club had already approved the purchases. Motion withdrawn by W3BC.

On a motion by KA3YCB, seconded by W3BEV, the club will reschedule the banquet for another time. Motion carried.

New Business

Moved by W3BC and seconded by W3DWR and KB3LES to donate an ARRL License Manual to the Curwensville Public Library in memory of Paul Cain WB3DDA. Motion Carried.

Good of the Order

Webmaster W3BC solicited articles for the club website. He offered to provide guidance on how to use blogging software for anyone who needs it.

With no further business to be brought before the Club, on a motion by KB3LES, second by KB3WBT, the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 pm. The members enjoyed cakes and ice-cream in celebration of the 38th anniversary of Quad-County Amateur Radio Club’s first meeting. Following the refreshments, the members enjoyed a program on Working DX by 5BDXCC holder Jack Lovesky AA3AZ, a longtime member from Clearfield.


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