It’s nice to know who’s been here, so here’s your chance to leave a greeting to everyone else. If you wish, please tell us a little about yourself, how you found us, and what you think of our club and website. Thanks!
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I just got more seriously interested in amateur radio and getting my technician license.
I have obtained and begun studying the latest edition of “The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual” and “Ham Radio For Dummies”. These have encouraged locating and contacting you as the local Ham Organization about getting active, getting an Elmer and, when ready, taking the examinations.
I currently reside in Sterling Run, PA, about 10 miles east of Emporium on 120. Phone reception here is hit and miss so contact by email is the most reliable.
I look forward to hearing from you and possibly joining the numbers of Ham operators enjoying the hobby.
Jerry Worsham
P.O. Box 254
Emporium, PA 15834
Thank you for your interest in Licensing Classes. We are planning a 6-week Technician class to begin later this month. Please send an email to: and indicate which evening would be best for you, or any evenings that you simply cannot attend. For example if you would like Tuesday evenings and absolutely can’t make it on Wednesday, you could say, “Tuesday YES, Wednesday no.”
I would like to personally invite you to visit our January breakfast in Clearfield at Sid’s Super Subs at 9:30 am Saturday, January 14, and our January meeting in DuBois at Eat ‘N Park at 7:30 on Friday, January 20. If you’d like to eat before the meeting, food service will be at 6:30. We will be in the back meeting room.
I look forward to seeing you, both at our meetings and at the upcoming classes.
Joe SHupienis W3BC
President, Quad-County Amateur Radio Club
Hello Jerry, and welcome to amateur radio. We are still in the planning stages for licensing classes this spring. More information will follow as soon as plans are finalized.
Meanwhile, you are welcome to participate in all our activities and meetings. On Friday, December 16, we will be holding our annual Christmas Dinner at 6:30 pm in DuBois at the Fort Worth Hotel. Our January meeting will be at the DuBois Eat ‘N Park on Friday, January 20 at 6:30.
We also have a monthly breakfast social meeting the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 in Clearfield at Sid’s Super Subs.
Hope to see you at some of these activities, and we will definitely let you know when the next clases will be held. There are several active amateurs in Emporium, and you may want to be in touch with them as well.
Joe Shupienis W3BC
President, Quad-County Amateur Radio Club
Nice and informativ site!
Keep it coming …
Please visit my website at
vy 73 de Andreas, OE8APR
Hi Joe
Just a word to let you know i have not forgot ya’ll.Maybe this spring i can come back. 73 k3vfw
I used to have a ham license (KA3MUJ). It’s been so long ago that I don’t remember why I allowed it to expire. But it’s time to be retested/relicensed.
Sad to hear about the passing of K3PS.
hello just checking repeater info out and woundering if your repeater was if yours still on air?