About Quad-County ARC

THE Quad-County Amateur Radio Club is an organization of Radio Amateurs in the Pennsylvania counties of Clearfield, Jefferson, Elk, and Cameron, and the 11 immediately adjacent counties. Founded in 1975, the club serves Radio Amateurs and the public in its 15-county area of the Western Pennsylvana Section of the American Radio Relay League, by supporting Amateur Radio operating and educational activities, social gatherings, emergency preparedness drills and communications, and regular meetings and publications.

The Quad-County ARC became an ARRL Affiliated Club in 1978, and actively supports the mission and goals of the ARRL. In September 1985, the club earned the ARRL Special Service Club designation by sponsoring and supporting a number of Amateur Radio activities that benefited local amateur radio operators and the public in general. These activities included providing communications support for local government activities, conducting training, licensing and upgrading classes, holding regular Volunteer Examiner test sessions, recruiting new amateurs, providing Amateur Radio speakers and presentations to schools and civic organizations, and preparing for and participating in public service activities. The Quad-County Amateur Radio Club continues to lead the way as one of only three Special Service Clubs currently active in Western Pennsylvania.

Since 1975, the official newsletter of the Quad-County ARC has been The Parasitic Emission. Although newsletter publication dropped off between 1990 and 2009, Club Founder Joe Shupienis, W3BC has resumed publication of The Parasitic Emission. It is distributed every month as a full-color, PDF e-zine which is emailed free of charge to all Quad-County Amateurs, seven participating clubs, and all other known amateurs in the 15-county area served by the QCARC. More information, as well as current and past issues are available at parasiticemission.com.

Quad-County Amateur Radio Club meetings are held on the third Friday of each month at 7:30 pm. The club makes every effort to provide an interesting Amateur Radio program after each meeting, and refreshments are served as well. The Officers and Executive Board recognize the importance of Amateur Radio oriented activities for our club, and are working to provide these activities to keep the Quad-County ARC a thriving, active club. With your help, it will happen! Won’t you please join us at our meetings and activities?


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