Be sure to stay aware of both the temperature and UV index. Additionally – stay hydrated!
The UV Index for Du Bois, PA, continues to be forecast to be 10 plus. This UV Index number is in the Very High Exposure Category.
The National Weather Service State College has updated the Heat Advisory until 8:00 PM Saturday June 22, 2024.
Other NWS Forecast Offices have posted similar advisories, be sure to check your local NWS Forecast Office webpage for current updates.
For the detailed information about the UV Index Scale go to: https://www.epa.gov/sunsafety/uv-index-scale-0
Southwestern Pennsylvania Amateur Radio
SKYWARN Exercise.
For Pittsburgh (PBZ) and State College (CTP) Areas
Saturday April 20th, 2024
10:00 AM To 1:00 PM
(No further information at the time of posting.)
Considering the adverse weather conditions and information that the Campus might close, we decided to CANCEL the January 2024 meeting, see you February.
Remember exams will be offered in February, be sure to have your FCC FRN and call ahead to register as there are no walking-ins.
The following list of items are for sale by a former local amateur radio operator.
No Club member has information on the items in this list. Please call Fred Wesdock (814) 371-3675 for any information.
Heath 10-12 oscilloscope
Heath RF signal generator IG-102
Eico Resistance, capacitance checker 950B
B&K 700 tube tester
Heath1/2 amp 1-15
+10V to -10V 2,00 ma power supply
Sabtronics 8100 frequency counter
Heath HO1250 grid dip meter
Circuit breadboard
Books with hundreds of circuits
BeckmanDM20 digital multimeter
Micronta logic probe
All kinds of capacitors and resistors
Integrated circuits
Transistors, LEDs & relays
Potentiometeres, tube sockets
Switches, coils, transformers
Manuals & solid state replacement guides
1979 Radio Amateur Handbook
GR91 shortwave receiver with HD-1424 active antenna
Heath HD-11 Q multiplier
With Summer is typically a time for fun but keep in mind adverse weather can threaten that fun and possibly turn things seriously opposite of fun! Stay weather aware, regardless if it is everyday sun and heat and especially National Weather Service reports pf possible or occurring severe weather. We have a lot of possibilities for flooding in our area, be aware of the hazards associated with floods. Please do not please yourself and/or family in harms way if you come upon a flooded roadway – TURN AROUND, DON’T DROWN. Along with keeping you and your family safe, that is one less incident that first-responders have to place themselves in harms way to rescue those who disregard the warnings!
Information was received that a Baofeng dual-band was recovered by the Clearfield State Police in southern Clearfield County on May 18, 2023.
If you or know of anyone who might have lost a handheld and are able properly identify the radio, contact Cleafield PSP at 814-857-3800.
This is all the information we have.
For our members in Jefferson County and other counties in the Pittsburgh National Weather Service Office area, please check out this link ” https://www.weather.gov/pbz/skywarn ” for SkyWarn information relating to training schedules and other information.
Check out the link, www.weather.gov/ctp/SpotterTalks for the dates and times available for the, in person, training talks.
Even with the squall like weather behind us, for now, we still need to be cautious when driving in winter conditions, as well as all other seasons.
Check out the National Weather Service Winter Resources web-page; https://www.weather.gov/safety/winter for more information on other Winter related issues.
Surprisingly Snow Squall Awareness Week was scheduled at an appropriate time.
Please check the website – https://www.weather.gov/ctp/SnowSquall – or click the Snow Squalls graphic for some very interesting information about this hazardous weather phenomenon.
Due to adverse winter weather conditions, the November 2022 QCARC meeting at Penn State Du Bois is CANCELLED.
An ARRL VE Exam session is scheduled, at PSU Du Bois Campus – Smeal Building, for December 20 at 6:00 PM with the regular meeting to follow at 7:00 PM.
The National Weather Service, State College, announced a Virtual Advanced SkyWarn Spotter training opportunity.
Link to the NWS web-site for registration and other pertinent information about the virtual training, click the Advanced Skywarn graphic or this link: https://www.weather.gov/ctp/SpotterTalks