The following items are for sale by a former local amateur radio operator.
No one in the Club has any details on the items listed. Please contact Fred for any information.
Heath 10-12 oscilloscope
Heath RF signal generator IG-102
Eico Resistance, capacitance checker 950B
B&K 700 tube tester
Heath1/2 amp 1-15
+10V to -10V 2,00 ma power supply
Sabtronics 8100 frequency counter
Heath HO1250 grid dip meter
Circuit breadboard
Books with hundreds of circuits
BeckmanDM20 digital multimeter
Micronta logic probe
All kinds of capacitors and resistors
Integrated circuits
Transistors, LEDs & relays
Potentiometeres, tube sockets
Switches, coils, transformers
Manuals & solid state replacement guides
1979 Radio Amateur Handbook
GR91 shortwave receiver with HD-1424 active antenna
Heath HD-11 Q multiplier
CONTACT: Fred Wesdock (814) 371-3675-
Cleaning out the shack. Here’s what was a 1000′ roll of Cat-5 ethernet cable. I used no more than a couple hundred feet so it’s about 800 feet of the good stuff.
$25 / obo
Local pickup unless you want to pay a lot for shipping.
Call Joe 814-372-3235 or catch me on the air.

I have for sale the amateur radio equipment from the estate of SK, WA3UKE. For questions and/or offers to purchase please contact WA3UFN, Bryan via email: wa3ufn@arrl.net You can also visit http://www.rigpix.com/ for additional information on most of the equipment listed.
Yaesu FT-23R 2M FM handheld 144 –146 Mhz,
5W high power at 12VDC, FTT-4 DTMF keypad installed. No FTS-12 PL board. The FT-23R received a 4.7/5.0 review rating out of 13 respondents on www.eham.com.
6 Meter Arrow ground plane antenna for sale. Call 814-236-2888
There are a few extra programs left over from the Banquet. If you would like one for your scrapbook, or to send to a friend, or for whatever reason, please contact W3BC.