
Should QCARC continue giving VE Exams before club meetings in even months?

  • Yes, but occasionally on other days and times (67%, 2 Votes)
  • Yes (33%, 1 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, with more months (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Yes, but fewer months (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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SOLD!! ICOM 706 MkII for sale

Selling my ICOM 706 MkII

It comes with separation cable, face mounting bracket, and original mike.

Everything works as supposed, very good radio, but, time for something new….

Comes from smoke free enviroment.

I will not ship!

Price $ 475.00   Email: kvantlars@gmail.com



SOLD!!!! Guyed 100 foot Antenna Tower for sale


Yaesu FT-991 A huge step for mankind….

Hello again

It was a while ago since I wrote anything here, but now I really have something to write about!

As maybe some of you know, I took the step, and bought a new radio, the Yaesu FT-991. It is an all band all mode transceiver incl C4FM, where all the best parts from Yaesu’s more exclusive transceivers come together in a very compact sized box. Already the first day, i was struck by the radios very quite receiver and ease of use, even though it’s the first time I’ve ever used a radio with touch screen. But, if you are familiar with a smartphone or a tablet, then you feel right at home with the FT-991. Last weekend, I got to test it’s phenomenal ability to pick out stations just above the noise, even though I had 59+ signals right beside, and without earphones, it was easy to hear what the weak station said, and, to work him! This time Yaesu really hit the head on the nail! I dare to say, that nobody in this price range come even close to the FT-991! It is a radio that will fit in any Go-Box, since it’s even got a built in tuner as well as a built in audio board for digital traffic.   Yaesu FT-991FT-991 Rear Panel

I will bring the radio to the next meeting, so you all get a chance to play a little with it. I hope we get a weather like we had today, so we can put up some antennas, and make a few contacts!

See you all at the QCARC meeting!


PS: The Yaesu FT-991 price is now even lower, $958 after mail in rebate at RandL electronics, which is a super deal!


LED’s vs grain of wheat bulbs

Everybody who has had burnt out bulbs in a radio, knows how hard it can be to replace them, so why not try to convert them to LED’s instead?

That’s exactly what I did in my old Kenwood TS-700A.

Now, if you look at the picture below, you can see that the S-meter has a very dim light, and also the two knobs down at the right (shortly after this picture was taken, those two lamps went out)

Now look at the picture at the right, quite a difference isn’t it?

LED’s found at RadioShack and also the resistors needed (1/4w 180-220 Ohms)


Found at Butler Hamfest

Hi everybody

Since I was just sitting here, I thought that I could show you all what I found at the ham-fest in Butler last Sunday.

Well, lets go back to the beginning in this story. In 1978, I became interested in ham-radio satellites, so called OSCAR satellites. Way back then, the AMSAT OSCAR 7 was the satellite to work. It had an orbit that made it show up every 90 minutes, and covered Europe, northern Africa, and also the US East Coast. To work US East Coast stations, you had about 5 minutes before it went down under the horizon again, so you had to be quick!

Now to the more technical part, the radio you see here at the right, is an Icom 402, it was the state of the art in late 70’s if you wanted to do some SSB on 70cm. It has 3w out-put, and that is not very much, but then again, your average 2m FM radio had a high-power setting of 10w. I used an Icom 402 on the uplink, 435 Mhz LSB, and then the signal from the satellite came back on 145 Mhz USB. The 402 was hooked up to a 46 element J-beam, and the antenna for down-link was a simple 4 element yagi. Right at the 2m yagi, I had a low-noise preamp, to help my Kenwood TS-700 hear the weak signals coming back from the satellite. I would say, that I worked a few hundred  stations via OSCAR satellites.

Now to complete this little story. At the hamfest, I paid $10 for this radio in close to mint condition! Needless to say, it made my day! Of course, there aren’t many 70 cm stations around Clearfield — much less SSB ones — but late last night before I went to bed, I went into my shack, and for some reason I tuned around the band and heard somebody! It was Joe W3BC, and he was operating from W3SO in Altoona, so that was my first QSO on my new “old” rig, Joe also gave me the frequencies for 2m and 6m, since what I stumbled into was the VHF contest, lucky them!

Hope this little essay was worth reading  :)

PS: For all you who are interested, there is a 2m version of this radio and a 6m version, Icom 202 and Icom 502, there is also a fm 2m, Icom 215.


PS2: This is a 70cm Halo antenna I built for the radio, it’s horizontally polarized and it is Omni directional (same radiation all directions)

Update on Halo, just worked W3SO, Altoona, made op laugh! Will listen for other stations also….



For all you new hams!

Hello everybody, now we are going to have some fun!

As some of you new hams might remember, at the last meeting I promised that you were going to play with some of my rigs at upcoming meetings, and I thought you should get acquainted with the easiest rigs first, so, take a look at the radio at the right, that is a Kenwood TS-520, from about 1975, its a so called hybrid rig, which means that it is both transistors and tubes. The tubes are used in the out-put amplifier, but the rest of the radio uses transistors, and has a built in power-supply. Bands are 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m.


The second rig I’m going to introduce you to, will be the next generation of Kenwoods HF rigs, namely the Kenwood TS-440s. This radio came out around mid 80’s and is all transistorized, its got a built in antenna-tuner, the receiver covers 100khz-30mhz. It can transmit on 160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m. As you can see, it also sports a digital frequency display, plus it also has a built in squelch, it does not have an internal power-supply, so you would need an external 20Amp power source. As the older radio, it too produces about 100w output. This radio also do FM and split, so you can use it on 10m repeaters.


The third radio I will let you play with, is the newest in my “fleet”, it came on the market in 1998- 99 and I bought it a few weeks after it came out. This is the Yaesu FT-847 and was called The earth station, because of it’s ability to operate the OSCAR satellites, on any band, and any combination. The receiver covers 100khz – 470mhz and transmits on all bands from 160m to 70cm. HF bands and 6m is 100w, 2m is 50w and 70cm 40w. So, it’s all band and all mode. The radio also have DSP and other goodies, but does not have antenna-tuner nor does it have an internal power supply. It does have 4 antenna connectors, HF, 6m, 2m and 70cm and it also have built in key’er for cw.

I also have another rig, the Icom 706MkII, but I think these three radio’s are gone be just fine to begin with, I’m sure that some of our other members can let you try some of their radio’s, but, since we are coming into the summer months, I believe we can wait till the fall before we continue with “play N learn”. If you guys N gals have any questions, or any special wishes, please do ask!!! No question are stupid or to dumb, so please ask!! I’m sure we will all have fun playing with the “real stuff”, so come down to our next meeting and “widen your horizon”


Yours truly

The Swede KB3WBT




Update Super 322 Drive-in (Click on post to get it in listform)

DRIVE IN 8-10-13   Local EDT 
DL6MMG 59 59   PETER DERENSBURG 11:47  17M
IN3ZJI 55 57   DOMONICO STORO 12:02  17M
YO4DEQ 54 59   PETER CEI 12:07  17M
EA5HQJ 56 56   JOSE S.SPAIN MJRCIA 12:11  17M
GI4VKS 59 59   PASCAL N. IRELAND 12:18  17M
RU6LC 55 56   YURI ROSTOW 12:24  17M
DG6PY/P 52 55   PETER FRANKFURT 12:30  17M
IW1FZR 59 59   LUKE TURIN 12:34  17M
KA3FHV 59 59   JEFF ALL PORT  PA 12:37  17M
DL3TW 59 59   TODD HAMBURG 12:42  17M
MM0DVZ 59 59   JOHN N.INVERNES 1:01  17M
YO4ROV 59 59   COSTEL ROMANIA 1:03  17M
VO1RV 59 59   JIM ST. JOHNS 1:06  17M
MI0VKO 59 57   DAVE ROSLEY 1:10  17M
IZ8SGF 59 59   BRUNO TELESTE 1:17  17M
G7DIE/M 59 59   PETER MANCHESTER 1:21  17M
G0MDZ 59 59   TONY NOTTINGHAM 1:23  17M
M1FJL 59 57   RAY WELLS 1:25  17M
DL8VX 59 59   WOLFGANG HAMBURG 1:30  17M
WA4GBU 56 57   SAM WATKINS, GA 1:43  17M
G4YUM 58 44   LINDA LONDON 1:46  17M
G0JMI 52 52   MIKE LONDON 1:53  17M
IZ4KOJ 53 55   PAT BOLOGNA 2:00  17M
AA5R/M 58 57   JD ROY AUSTIN,TEXAS 2:05  17M
W3GLL 59 58   GARY FLORIDA 2:08  17M
GW4AYJ 59 59   JEFF S.WALES 2:12  17M
9H3AY   (G3SDG) 54 57   JEFF MALTA (GOZO) 2:24  17M
MI0HEZ 56 57   GREGG N.IRELAND 2:31  17M
GI0UVD 57 56   JOHN BELFAST 2:35  17M
M0DSS 58 57   DAVE NE ENGLAND 2:43  17M
2I0CGZ/P 52 59   DARRYL ANNA SCALA 2:54  17M
K6LPO 52 56   DICK N LOS ANGLES 3:05  17M

JOTA 2013


Jamboree-on-the-Air Introduction

The Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is an annual Scouting event that uses amateur radio to link Scouts around the world, around the nation, and in your own community. Held on the third full weekend of October each year, this worldwide jamboree requires no travel, other than to a nearby radio amateur’s ham shack. Many times the hams will come to you by setting up at a Scout camporee, or perhaps they already have a ham shack at your council’s camp. There are many ways to get your Scouts involved in JOTA.

Tell Me More

Scouts of any age can participate, from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts and Venturers. Once at the ham radio station, the communication typically requires speaking into a microphone and listening on the station speakers. However, many forms of specialized communication can also take place, such as video communication, digital communication using typed words on the computer screen transmitted by radio, communication through a satellite relay or an earth-based relay (called a repeater), and many others. The exchanges include such information as name, location (called QTH in ham speak), Scout rank, age, and hobbies. The stations you’ll be communicating with can be other Scouts across town, across the country, or even around the world! The World Scout Bureau reported that the 2011 JOTA had nesrly 750,000 Scout participants from over 6,000 amateur radio stations! A participant patch is available, as is a certificate/log sheet that can also be used to fulfill a Radio merit badge requirement.

When Is It?

Jamboree-on-the-Air is held the third weekend in October. The official hours are from Saturday at 00:00 hours local time (right at midnight Friday) to Sunday 24:00 (midnight Sunday evening). So you’ve got the whole weekend to make JOTA contacts.

How Can I Participate as a Scout?

Contact your local Scout council and see what may already be planned in your area. You can also contact a local ham radio operator or a local amateur radio club. You can find a searchable database of clubs at www.arrl.org/find-a-club . This website is operated by the American Radio Relay League, the national association for amateur radio, which is cooperating closely with the BSA on JOTA and many other activities.

Your local club may be able to direct you to its planned JOTA activities. These can include ham stations set up at camporees or other events. Or, if there are no planned activities, you can either work with them to get something set up or arrange to visit a local radio operator’s ham shack at a scheduled time to participate in JOTA.

How Can I Participate as an Amateur Radio Operator?

Contact your local Scout council and see what may already be planned in your area and how you can help. You can find your council at http://scouting.org/LocalCouncilLocator.aspx .

If nothing is currently planned, or if current plans aren’t reaching your area, you can work with the council or a local unit (pack, troop, crew) to set up a JOTA station or arrange for visits to your ham shack. You can also participate just by making QSOs with the many JOTA stations that will be on the air.



What is JOTA?


Wide band SDR receiver in the Netherlands

Hey all, here is a good SDR receiver that you can use, to f.x listen to your own signal.

Have fun!!




SDR Radio



Genesis G59: All Mode 160-6m SDR Transceiver Kit ‹ SPARKY’s Blog


The “G59″ is an all-mode 160-6m SDR transceiver with 10mW of output power. The output is boosted to 10W with the “GPA10″ linear amplifier.
 The Genesis “G59″ is the best performing SDR kit for the money currently available to amateur radio operators.


Chinese HF rig Kit!

Hey all, look what I found  :)


73 de Lars


I thought I saw a Pussycat…(And now it’s gone)

Well, here we go again!

Remember a while ago, when I wrote about needing a project in order to stay sane, while my shoulder healed? Well, I sure found one!

If you look at the picture at the right, that’s it!

It’s a fantastic little rig from Kenwood, when they still made simple but very good HF stations –  no menus, no electronic band-switch, etc.

The model number is TS-130s, and it covers 80m -10m, including the WARC bands, it’s got 100w output and is a cw/ssb rig only, but hey, its a great rig for ragchewing, field-day, beginners’ rig, or when going camping!  :)

When I got it, someone had dropped the top lid while looking inside, resulting in tearing the wire off from internal speaker, but with the help from some junked speakers, that was an easy fix. Then came the question why the RF power came and went. Well, what really was wrong, was a voltage regulator, sitting on the heat sink, and it was supposed to be insulated from ground. As you might already have guessed, it was not really…that is to say, the little washer with a little flange on, that is supposed to keep the screw from touching the regulator, was damaged, so when keying the rig, sometimes it made contact, and sometimes not….  After having found this, it now works just as new!

Speaking of cleaning, now I’m going to tell you what not ever to do!! (AND I MEAN THAT!)

When cleaning knobs, do not EVER try to do that in a sink, without a strainer! Why? I’ll tell you why, if you haven’t felt your heart fly up into your throat, YOU WILL! Also, if you haven’t had to take the drain apart, YOU WILL!

Now, if you have stopped laughing, and stopped saying S****D I***T, I can tell you, I now know how it feels! I was just lucky that the knob wasn’t flushed out. Having  put it all together again, I buffed up the scuffed paint on the case. It looks  so good, that I don’t want to let it go, but since it’s only a project rig, I must (at least that’s what XYL says…)

A radio in this condition sells really fast, and so did this. Roger KB3ZKJ, is now the happy owner. Congrats Roger!

Your storyteller

