Jamboree On The Air – October 19-20, 2013

Every year, thousands of Scouts get on the air to talk to other Scouts around the world via Amateur Radio. This activity first got started long before the days of social media, cell phones and Internet access, and is more popular today than ever before!

The Quad-County ARC is planning to set up a station and invite local Scouts to talk to their counterparts across the country and around the world on the weekend of October 19th and 20th. QCARC Vice President and Scouting Liaison Officer Peach Caltagarone, AB3OG has graciously offered the use of the hilltop cabin at Hummingbird Speedway in support of this event.

The plan is to open the station to the Scouts and their parents with several hams and Scout leaders present at all times the station is open to assist the Scouts in getting on the air and making radio contact with other Scouts worldwide. Volunteers are needed to make this a successful event.


4 comments to Jamboree On The Air – October 19-20, 2013

  • I will try and be QRV from KP07MW, call sign SK7CP (Esrange Spacecenter) or SM2UHF.

    73 de SM2UHF // Lars

  • Lars

    Cool Beans Lasse,would be fun to work Esrange!!
    CU on FB

  • Hi everybody !

    We will participate at the JOTA/JOTI 2013 with our austrian special event station OE3J from the home of the scout group of Bruck an der Leitha in Lower Austria. Our QTH-Locator is JN88JA and our location is not far away from the slovakian and hungarian border. We are using a beam and several wire antennas and transceivers to be active on shortwave and operate on VHF/UHF as well. We will be able to use phone and morse code as well on shortwave and some guys of our group are using Echolink (look at OE1XUU echolink repeater) and D-Star as well. Of course we operate also at the JOTI with several computers.

    More information you will find at http://www.telescout.org and http://www.pfadfinder-bruckleitha.at

    Kind regards and be prepared …
    Michael, OE1CIW – Operator at OE3J

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